"I Have a Dream of a Taller Wall..."
I dream that the country I live in will love me
Like I have loved it.
I am grateful
But how has my country,which I left everything behind for been grateful back
By fitting me into a group, calling me a rapist
When I am not even an illegal.
By bombarding me with microaggresions
"Wow you speak English so well," it has told me.
Meaning it has judged whether I was "American" enough.
Meaning it has stripped me of something I had found so essential in my identity.
I moved to America when I was five.
Yet, now when I look to my country and ask for it to help
It looks back
not at me, but rather away from me.
It turns a blind eye to the injustices I am going through.
Do I not have an unalienable right to life?
Or did I happen to miss something in the fineprint?
It's funny, but it's true, I might as well be an actual alien.
Since the foreign looks people have given me sure seemed aimed towards one.