Poems from allamas01

I am Mexican- American. I am currently enrolled in high school. I'm in my school's track team and do community service at the local library and a science center. Writing, reading and sports are some of my favorite hobbies. I've grown up in what many people call the "ghettoes", however for me this place doesn't really coincide with the meaning people assign to that word. This place is where mama first held me, where I learned to ride a bike, where I had my first love. I look lovingly and gratefully to the ghettoes, my home. So yes, I can say that these aspects of my life have shaped me, however, my job, now, has become to shape the aspects of my life, my community and my world for the better.
Falling, glistening,
A small raindrop waits about
Wanting to be found.
I call paper
It can change views and opinions —
Erode them down like sandpaper.
A pencil is then made taper.
I call writing
I dream that the country I live in will love me
Like I have loved it.
I am grateful
But how has my country,which I left everything behind...
I remeber the rush.
The moment pen touches paper.
The smooth glide on blank slate.
Infinite array of options,
Potential, that I never had...
The sun goes back down
Days turn a bit longer
Time passes much slower
Grey tinge fills the air
I'm stuck and defeated
Downthrodded and...