I Aim For A Better World
I Aim For A Better World
By: Kary Dujuan Goff Jr.
I am green and gold, and sometimes grey.
A place of exchange, is where money lay.
I come to money, to pay for college,
May you free yourself from my knowledge?
Fame and fortune, which is what I bring,
Ounces of gold and jewelry for your class ring.
Riches from knowledge, what a wonderful thing.
A world without money, what kind of world would that bring?
Believe without me, the world would be in distress,
Exchange has brought humans, above all the rest.
The creation of me, has sparked civilization,
That is why you see, without me is damnation.
Everything I have done has led to society,
Rather try to get rid of me, make me a priority.
While you have some great points and your words may be true,
Our world is still full of crime, from those not in school.
Rather a price on our education, can it be free?
Leave the world to learn and not rely on TV.
Discern to be cooperative and there’s one thing you’ll find, we go by one name… human kind.