Rainbows people, look around! Don't you notice anything?! Every second,
every moment, the Higher powers, that created the world,
carry out the policy of HOMOCID in relation to us. THINK.
Rudolf Nureyev, Arthur Rimbaud, Alan Turing, Freddie Mercury,
Marina Tsvetaeva - far from a complete list of the most worthy people
of non-standard orientation, who have made a tremendous contribution
to the world's treasury of science and art, that have fallen victim
to ruthless executioner and bloody murderer - the creator of fatal circumstances:
"caring and loving", "heavenly father".
Freak-creator, whats World of your mean:
garden, theater, graffiti wall?
Using principle Nature of Thing,
you have blinded a beautiful ball!
Everything has been perfectly, beauty and gently,
only one I can’t, trying, unable embrace:
why assemble of me, you made so incorrectly?
Many why, many why, many why, fucking space!
You created a software’s name «homocidis»,
N - d printer creation for us living rooms;
age of six: I was punished and had meningitis,
as result of gay’s love, but I’m subject of dooms.
O! Of course, was not raised! But, fake it.
I’m smiling through fear, gentlemen of the thug.
Who am I for you? Nobody. And wrongymaked.
I’m answering, answering, answering: muck!
I felt like crazy fires and love of the guy,
but my feelings, perhaps was a big outlaw?
And my fate was a subject desire my die!
It’s incredible evil, injustice or no?
Was inserted in my head of crazy ideas,
friendly people has offered me using drugs.
Please, my friends, carrying name of the beautiful gaynames,
use of carefully life! Empty safety – is tax.