- Stanza 1: Son
Who are you?
You are me.
But I'm not.
I mean I'm what their I's want me to be.
I am who they are.
And they are who I am.
But now I look at the I AM,
Cause I realize I'm not who I thought I was.
Who are you?
I am me. Without my identity.
- Stanza 2: You
Who are you?
I think we've met before.
We hang out when I'm bored.
But what goes on when I'm not?
I know our facade.
We seem close, mostly? Sure.
If we added another One,
There'd be more.
But we've never done that before.
Who are you?
You're the one I call my friend. Who's just an acquaintance in the end.
- Stanza 3: He
Who are you?
I claim you as mine.
When people ask, I say we talk all the time.
We give hugs and move on with my day.
But never do I sit to hear what you
want to talk to me?
Oh yeah, I forgot.
Who are you?
You are the Father who want the best for me. So I will start by listening.