Health Class
When we all were in elementary school
We were told “drugs are bad”
We could recite all their effects
We could tell you how they would kill
We could tell you what would happen
To your abused body
We were taught to say no
And that peer pressure isn’t “cool”
They never told us
Why people get addicted
Why people choose to put a
Chemical elation into their body
Nobody is stupid enough to not know
The effects.
They didn’t tell us how much life
Can push you towards substances
Like a bull barreling towards you
And your only escape looks like
Jumping off a cliff
They didn’t tell us what to do when
Our mothers come home drunk
On a Wednesday night.
They didn’t tell us what to do when
We felt like seaming our veins
They didn’t tell us what to do
When reality needs to just
Not exist for a few minutes
They didn’t tell us what to do when
We hated ourselves and could only escape
Through a high
They didn’t tell us how to escape
They taught us how to run