Infused upon my membrane is where you can find her. Meeting each other was designed, no. Etched in the sketch of God's palm. Cause the paths that unwind to the world, leading straight to my heart, mind, and soul. Reading it was never hard, but no one fit the mold like she. Her heart's beat from mine, one chime, one rhythm, check the metronome. It's, we never perfect, no harmonizing, two keys, notes, that promote our love. For its addiction more potent, more powerful then any drug, one hug from her is like a dove spreading its wings. Taking me to clouds surpassing nine. But pain makes us grow, like the distance that separates us. One ring and same texts suffice, for her pressure through the phone brings visions of her skin's texture, delicate, the tone of her voice blended with the memories, feels like a warm summer breeze caressing me. Tired of people telling me, that we will never be. So I denied them until what she did was came full circle. Can't believe I let her in the soft side of my shell, no turtle..... Wanting to leave but her grasp on me made it hard for me to breathe. Even though her grasp on my life wouldn't let go. So if I am the fool God, let me know.