Growing up
is looking down
at the stupid cute eyes of a kid
wide with admiration and knowing
that you have to live up to the
cool big kid you are in their eyes.
Growing up
is looking in the mirror
and not recognizing that person from yesterday
because from then to now you have achieved
a completely new
state of being
somehow lighter somehow larger
even if you have not grown an inch
you have gained a universe
of feeling
of needing, of giving, of
Growing up is finding the resolve to own your body.
it is finally getting that haircut even though
people begged me not to
people told me I could not told me
I should not or they would not forgive me
but it was my decision
and it was not yours to forgive because
you cannot touch my hair
and no -
I do not reget it.
now my curls are lighter now
my smile is brighter now
I feel like myself.
And I know growing up
is growing into your body.
It is letting go of limits that others set
yes, this
is discovering
is becoming