A Flaw So Sweet
It is my unalienable right to not be here right now. I’m entitled to the pursuit of happiness and this isn’t it.
Maybe stars get lonely too,
Thousands of miles away from their closest friend
Maybe they are sick
Of being put into formations by figures so much further away.
Maybe tonight you'll look at a constellation
And tell the one you love the shapes you see
And maybe they'll see it too
Or maybe they'll lie.
But the truth of it all is,
That we all just want to see hope
I things so distant and unpredictable.
A flaw so sweet to the taste in our nature.
I like to think of the stars as sugar,
Spilled carelessly in light of a bigger plan somewhere,
And maybe that plan worked,
Or maybe we're all just a side effect
Of the great unknown
But I don't know,
Living amongst so much sugar seems pretty sweet to me.
When it all comes down to it,
We all want the same thing-
To matter.
Not, matter, like Orion or Andromeda-
But rather like
That one star you wished on
That wasn't really a star at all.
I'm afraid that maybe one day
I'll see a shape in the stars
That remind me of the patterns of your freckles.
Maybe that will be the best day
Or maybe I'll lie.
Maybe that will be the worst day
Or maybe I'll lie.
I'm used to lying by now.
It is my unalienable right to not be here right now.
I'm entitled to the pursuit of happiness and this isn't it.