THE FALLS THAT SAVED ME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Surrounded by voices; I was a <murmur>.
Fear had stolen my lips away,
Locked them in a vault under the sea-
My mind was confused.
Every sentence spoken to me was a bumbling river,
Beautiful. But meaningless.
Trapped in my own conscience
I glanced around to see if others were struggling
But I saw no one.
It was so frustrating.
Language was my *love*, writing my *wings*.
Yet here I was at the bottom of the sea!
I wanted to SCREAM for help, but the waves covered me saying-
"No one will understand."
So I stayed quiet.
I avoided leaving my hole
Afraid everyone around me was fishing,
And I was the prize >fish).
The best way to avoid pain was to avoid life,
But I loved life.
The waves beating against a b-r-o-k-e-n shore,
The sound of loud waterfalls filling the sky-
Before I made a mistake,
A mistake that could not be returned,
I needed a reminder.
Luckily, my neighbor was a waterfall.
He cried out for someone to come to him,
***And how I wanted to.***
I put on my big girl panties
And ~~~~~swam~~~~~~ to the shore.
I climbed up slippery slopes and dangerous d
My feet faltered-
I could die up here,
But that was okay.
I squeezed myself into a nitch on the top of the falls,
Forcing myself with a painful breathe to look down at the crowd-
A bunch of multi-colored dots who whooped and hollered below.
And suddenly, I understood.
No, you don't understand. /I UNDERSTOOD./
"You got this!" "Don't be scared!" "Jump!"
I didn't need their language!
I hollered back.
The harsh water at my back urged me forward
So I obliged
I let - - - go.
I let go of all the fear that had held me back,
All the awkward misunderstandings, glances, and pain.
All the {unneccesary}
Water went up my nose as I rose,
I swept my glop of hair back,
Pulled my hands away from water's grasp
Pushed them to the sky
And felt alive for the first time in a long time.
And after that?
I smiled at the cashier at the grocery store :)
I waved at my neighbors ~
Laughed with the children on the beach :D
Because the falls taught me that I didn't need language
To understand.