When the universe was arranged,
All creation from a bang,
Every grain,
Every cell,
Every atom flew out.
And like all matter careened about,
The things I thought I’d figured out
Started to malfunction.
A function
Of womanhood
Is being told what a woman should
What a woman should
What a woman should
To find a man,
To keep a man,
To please a man,
But what didn’t happen according to plan
Was falling for a woman.
I began to feel my straightness falling away,
And rather than despair, I’d say,
“Who cares?
Why should I be scared
When I’m uncovering a new part of me,
My bisexuality,
And knowing
That my reality
Is still being formed?”
Reformed, I was, compared to my past,
Back when my inner peace was harassed
By thin models and such
Whose thighs didn’t touch
Making me feel that I was too much.
Too much space I took up.
My high school mind looked up
Those girls who wore a size
And I imagined if I were that size,
I wouldn’t be so lonely.
Instead of shrinking,
I started thinking,
Pulling myself from the brink.
Lingering on those traits that seemed defective
Carried the harmful effect of
Making me feel unworthy of love.
And above all,
I thought all
Men would call
Me unattractive.
Counteractive to my demons of body hatred
Was a women’s college that aided
A questioning
Of my priorities
And a reckoning
With my abilities.
My qualities
Are these:
With ease I find connections
To apparently disparate sections
Of human thought.
I have fought a recurring depression,
But it has given me more affection
For the struggles that cause others tension
In their lives.
Knives are no match for my wit.
My patience, I have loads of it.
My honesty, I must admit,
Is central
To my well-being.
Seeing how my value
Is no longer in being some guy’s gal, you
Might think, then,
That I now hate men
When, … really?
I learned to decenter
Those influences that would render
Me a pretender,
An imposter in my skin.
A skin
I never thought I’d be comfortable in.
I’ve found solace in
My voyage.
My voyage
To acceptance.