Ecstasy in Tiny Wonders
Most people think that joy is found
In massive thrills, events, and sounds.
But I have found it more often springs,
In little treats and smaller things.
The thoughts before I fall asleep,
The triumph of a challenge breached.
Chocolate, laughter, hiccups, home,
The silence when I’m all alone.
A new-found song, a whistled tune,
The radiance of a new-born moon.
A fresh, warm bed with clean, crisp sheets,
A book a friend gives me for keeps.
A picturesque landscape on a drive,
A sudden pleasure at being alive.
Hand-picked blueberries and new colored pens,
Old favorite movies watched again and again
The sound of pages turning, a visiting friend
Tears that come from a book’s happy end.
Massive stuffed animals, a comforting hug
A couch and good book, with hot tea in a mug.
Some people think that joy’s only seen
In momentous events and big revelries,
And yet if we thought this is actually true
Our pleasures would be very far and too few.
Thus I’d firmly protest and gently say
That Joy can be found in every new day,
The simple thrills and tiny pleasures
Can fill our days with boundless measure.
I must simply stop and learn to see,
The copious delights surrounding me,
And help my friends see at a glance
My world so full of light and dance.