"Don't Worry"
“Don’t Worry”, said the salesman with the cheap suit and the cheaper grin, desperate to make his last pitch
“Don’t Worry”, said the billboards, towering above, with their inhuman Happy-White-Skinny-Women assuring us all with blinding teeth
“Don’t Worry”, said the corporations, hoarding their millions and grinning like sharks at the masses
“Don’t Worry”, said the President, loudly promising solutions nobody asked for for problems that came only from his head
Worry, said the scientists, louder and louder, with research of decades backing them up, with solutions that only would have made a difference implemented twenty years ago; with a death sentence
And Fox News brought them onto panels and mocked them mercilessly, yelling them down about the very existence of the problem
Let alone a solution
And someday, not that terribly far away
The World Came To An End.
at least,
nobody was very worried.