Don't Extinguish My Seas
I am vast and I am blue and more than you can see
I am loud and I will be heard by everyone
So with this crash I say -No- I decree
That I am my own being and I cannot be undone
You’ve tried to stop me before, and I once obeyed
I drew back my waters and quieted my thunder
Your small, redundant threats made me afraid
And the beauty of my white caps were forced under
But now you’ll know that is no longer
I am washing the ugliest parts of me onto your sand
Because they were what made me stronger
Look at what hurt has come onto your land
You can’t ignore my dead bodies and broken glass
They are something that make up my seas
If you are to explore each glorious pass
You also have to take into account every breeze
I am a force of nature, breathtaking and alluring
But like everything else God has made on this Earth
The process was painful, unpretty, and enduring
And in every way it was the miracle of birth
So you cannot squelch me, suck me up, and hide me somewhere
I am bigger and badder than your ways
I will allow myself to be open and honest, so beware
I’m about to break your norms and set this ocean ablaze