Do it.
Do it
You’re worthless
Do it
No one cares
Do it
You have nothing left
Do it.
It’s a constant screaming in the back of my mind
A voice much like my own
A voice telling me what’ wrong with me
Telling me that I can’t fix it
It’s screaming but only I can hear it
Only I can hear its hurtful words that drowns out every other sound
Every other sense
Do it
Stop pretending
Do it
You can’t fix it
Do it
You’re worth nothing to them!
Do it.
It doesn’t stop
It never stops
I can’t think!
It won’t leave me alone
It won’t go away
It won’t go away!
Its screams
Do it
It will make you feel better
Do it
It will take the pain away
Do it
Pick up the blade
Do it.
Its screams at me to do it
To hurt myself
It says it will make me feel better, happier
I’m scared
It’ll hurt
And I’m scared…..
Do it
It won’t hurt for long
Do it
Don’t be a coward
Do it
It’ll make you happy
Do it.
I did it….
It hurt
It hurt so much
But it also felt good
I smiled through it all
I’m not scared of it anymore
Do it
You haven’t for a while
Do it
Don’t you miss it?
Do it!
You know you want to
I did it already!
I don’t want to do it again!
It won’t go away!
It won’t go away!
It’s worse than before!
The words are harsher, colder
They make me do it again and again
Do it
You’re invisible
Do it
No one loves you
Do it
They all hate you
I can’t take this anymore!
I’m going insane!
It hurts!
I’m scared!
I’m scared of this blade!
I’m scared of this voice!
I’m scared of myself!
Do it.
Theres a way to stop this
Do it.
A way to end it all
Do it!
Cut a little deeper
I did as I was told….
I cut deeper…
It hurt at first but……
It doesn’t hurt anymore….
I feel free…
The… voice….
Is finally….
You did it.