Drip-drop, drip-drop
My head throbs to the rhythm of the moist cave
Sinking lower into loneliness,
World pushing through my blockade.
Jehovah- Rapha
My faith is cracking as sin’s hold consumes the world
Lord, they disobey
Lord, they mock, and they turn away
Lord, even the rocks plot my end.
The ground breaks open for fear and glory of the King
The trees crash to the ground in honor
The mountain hides its face as the Creator arrives
A fire raises its arms and surrenders before the Almighty
My legs no longer hold my weight
My face consumes the scent of the collapsing ground
Tremor suffocates my every nerve
Anxiety steals my breath as I wait His arrival
Silence breaks
The chaos vanishes
A gentle whisper tip toes
The Lord has come
Jehovah- Shalom
Compassion begins the tune
Patience beats its soft melody
Chords of direction carry the notes
Deliverance concludes
The aroma of the churning soil awakens my senses
Each foot follows God’s unspoken plan
Balance betrays me as a splintery fence becomes support
My glance drifts to the field in preparation
Could this wealthy owner really plow in the mists of field hands?
Just as Moses pasteurized Jethero’s flock, this man’s willingness to work astonishes me.
His spirit quickens my heart
“This is the one”
My cloak flows openly over his shoulders
The plow jumps, as the man’s eyes begin to dance
Hesitation is crushed as commitment is made
Compassion-God heard my cry
Patience- complains distract my obedience
Direction- led me to supernatural peace
Deliverance- “They cry out to me, I will certainly hear”