Because you love me you sat up all night
Despite having work the next morning, early
So I could cry over nothing
Because my anxiety told me “Warning: OVERWHELMED”
Because you love me you yell at me for putting myself down
When I try and say I can’t, you say you’re too smart to not
“Prove the world that you can, cause I know you can!”
So I do
Because you love me you moved here
And stayed by my side, to help me further my dream
Never once thinking that this was all for me
Because you want this for “US”, because I want this, you do too
Because you love me we don’t go to bed angry, EVER
You work more hours so I can try and focus more on my future
You never think any of my dreams, desires, goals are crazy or outlandish
You know all of my deepest darkest, hole in the wall secrets
Because you love me these aspects of me aren’t secrets
You know me better than anyone else
Being around you is like being home
Where you belong, where you will be taken care of, where you can be the unmasked you
Because you love me our masks hang on the wall in our living room
As we listen to La Vie En Rose
Making trumpet sounds with our mouths, never once judging the other for our sheer oddness
Because I love you the masks will stay on the wall