Crow's Ink
Crow’s Ink
Life’s hard, life kills. It takes you away it makes your day. It leaves you in the dust, it makes you cry. Life is life and it won’t change. I’ll watch mine watching yours play out. A waste of a day and a smile fades. Call us not we all think the same. We are cursed with no thought s to differ. Catching on and falling off, ruled by eyes not by thought. One comes by shiner then the next and you leave the duller item. You wear the ring and grow board of the color. You find a new one and throw the other down.. We’re all the same, none of us differ. I once believed I was the dove in the flock of crows, but I was a dog thinking I was a cat, I was a human thinking he was a dog. I am not the life of my thoughts, for I act no different than the black bird flying high, switching to shiny sparkle to shiny sparkle... Explain to me why I chosen to ignore the truth when my wings aren’t white , but stained black. I drip with the ink falling from my beak and I’ll soar to hell with my life span to be a couple lives. It’s nothing unique for every bird flaps their wings the same… No difference.. all the same..