'Connect The Dots' ... A Poem written by Big Virge 28/1/2015
Ya Know I Used To Use Dots...
Or What's Called Ellipses To Connect My Scriptures...
But Now Use Squiggles To Connect The Lyrics That I Sit And Scribble...
So I DO Connect Dots With Rhymes I Jot...
About Terrorist Plots And Corporate Bods'....
Whose Jobs Are THOSE Where Agendas HOLD The Keys To GOLD...
And Maybe OIL And DRUG LORD Spoils... !!!!!
Dots I Use Connect Issues That Some Confuse As Deluded Views...
So Whose Deluding Who With News They Produce... !?!
Groups Like W.H.O ... The Types Who FUEL Ebola News... !!!
As If AFRICA IS A Place Where THE SICK...
Get INFECTED By ALL KINDS of Things That Seem To STING... !!!!!!
EXCEPT Projects Set By THE WEST.... ?!?
That Are Scientist Led To FEED... Black Death... !!!!!
... " Need to be contained in various ways ! "
Before They Arrive In Western States...
Something Seems.... " STRANGE "... ?
Africans Fade AWAY While Westerners Survive... ?!?
When Ebola Strains Reach THEIR Coastlines... !!?!!
Then Of Course They CLAIM... " Africa needs AID ! " ...
From The West Who Say..." That Africa was, the first place to have AIDS ! "
............................................ " A. I. D. S. " .............................
The Type That Left A Trail of... DEATH... !!!
Just Like The Feds' When They SHOOT Bullets... !!!!!
Could Cash Be Spent By The I.M.F.
To AID And PROTECT And STOP These Trends... !?!?!
Well AID They GIVE These Days I Think...
Seems To Be The Type That Has A PRICE That's WAY TO HIGH... !!!
These DOTS of Mine DO NOT Contrive To Formulate LIES That DAMAGE Lives...
THEY OPEN Eyes And OPEN Minds...
To The Things Disguised As THE TRUTH DEFINED...???
I Think You'll Find That Truth's DENIED Pretty Much ALL THE TIME... !!!
But NOT In Rhymes That I Sit And Write.... !!!!!!
From Relationships That Bear WITNESS...
To The Types of Women Who Play The VICTIM...
From THE END Back To... Beginning... !?!
What's With These Chicks Who Think They're SLICK... ?!?
They're SLICK Alright Like... GREASE And SLIME... !!!
Until CHAUVINISTS Treat Them Like BITCH... !!!!!
And Leave Them DITCHED Like My Lyrics... !!!!!!
So They WON'T LIKE These Words I Write... !!!
The Dots They Connect AREN'T GOOD For Men... !!!
When They Get UPSET Over PURE NONSENSE... !!!!!
The Thing That DESTROYS Relationship Poise... !!!
Because BOYS With Ploys Can OPEN Them UP Like Vibrator Toys...
And OTHER Stuff These Girls EMPLOY...
That SATISFY MORE THAN These Guys... !?!?!
Who TRY And TRY To Make Them SMILE... !!!!!
By Giving Them CHILD And MARRIAGE Vibes...
Where CONNECTION IS The KEY To Relationship GLEE... !!!!!
But How Many Do We See Who Are Living HAPPILY... ?!?
Connect THOSE DOTS And You Might Get SHOCKED... !!!!!
By Those Now LOCKED In Relationships DOCKED With NO IPod... !!!!!
...................... " Hold on... That's WRONG " ........................ !!!!!
Like Couples Who PLOD For The Childrens' Sake... !?!
Which I'm Primed To Say Is A... BIG MISTAKE... !!!!!
If You Don't Get Along It's Time To MOVE ON... !!!!!
WITHOUT USING Your Child Like Some PAEDOPHILE ... !!!!!
.................... Does THAT Make Sense ............... ?!?
Children NEED Dots That Connect WITHOUT The STRESS... !!!!!
of Parents FIGHTING Like DOGS Who Got Married Just Because...
The Premise Seemed INVITING BEFORE They Got A Sighting of Who The Other Was... !!!!!!!
The TRUTH Is That Our Lives Sometimes DON'T Intertwine...
Which Is Why We Should TAKE TIME.................................
To Yes CONNECT The Dots With Someone Who Is STRONG...
And DOESN'T Cause PROBLEMS That SEVER More Than BOND... !!!!!
My Style of Rhyme Is CLEVER Because Problems I Solve...
Within The Verse I Choose To Work...
Like Those Who Have The Job of Being... NEW Sherlocks... !!!!!
STOPPING Violent Yobs And Those Who Choose To ROB...
Or WORSE STILL... Try To KILL.... !!!!!
But Nowadays Their Dots Display A BLATANT... Dis-Connect... !!!
Between These Heads In UNIFORM And BASIC Common Sense... !!!!
And Being MORE Than KILLERS Who Are Causing STORMS... !!!
Because They're NO BETTER Than... HANNIBAL LECTOR... !!!!!!!
MURDERERS Who TALK MORE Than They Walk The Walk... !!!
of... " Protecting To Serve "...
They Connect To HURT MORE THAN They STOP.... ?!?
The Criminals Who Sit In Boardrooms... !!!!!
And DON'T Get SHOT For The Crimes They PLOT... ?!?
Something Seems WRONG When Blacks Get Shot...
For Being... BLACK What's Up With THAT... ?!!!?
I Think It's RIGHT To STOP These CRIMES... !!!
As It Seems To Be RIGHT To STOP These Rhymes...
Before These Lines Are Deemed To INCITE... !!!!!
When ALL They Reflect Are Some Thoughts Expressed...
That Talk About HEALTH And The... HARD SELL... !!!!!
of... DEVIOUS Plots That Seem ALL WRONG.... !!!
Until You TAKE THE TIME... To...
..................... " Connect The Dots " .............