For Cletys
You wouldn’t think
His eyes would shine so bright
Beneath those clouds that fog his sight
But they’ve been aglow since ‘25
You wouldn’t think he would be so kind
For a depression-born, war-worn
Love of mine that is truly blind
He’ll still talk about the war, the jail
The grit twirled twenties and the dirty thirties
The fearful forties and the sacrificial sixties
He rolled through it all like thunder
And though he’s a little battered
He still knows,
The death march, the maggots and the way war goes
It continues behind his eyes
His life as a counter-spy
He’s been knocked down
By everything that’ll drown you
Bullets, women, time
But he eases back up and ambles on
He still knows how to march in a stoic straight line
But he rolls on like that red river
With a soft, sincere smile,
That does not falter
That does not quiver
Through his every trial
They say that cherubs were stalwart warriors
In the virginal army of God
Their sinlessness so stark
Against their glowing cheeks
Pink and scared and marked
The air around him always
Has a warm and golden hue
He's got that miracle feeling
Like those tiny babies squealing
When they’re all soft and new
His innocence is fully retained
Free of sorrow and free of shame
He was never blemished by his strife or pain
And I admire that
His countenance was so pure and fine
And he always called us “kid”
As though he might be some Divine,
Who, in a midwestern pensioner hid
As thought we were all his descendants
And he so showered us with love, transcendent
When he called us all his kindred
He said for us he won his pendant
He came down into his momma’s lap
into plains of Oklahoma
As winter thawed from its frozen nap
As the soil woke from its coma
He was surely some archangel
When he was born that april
And his eyes were hewn from crystal.
When his fate was woven so fearful
But his soul was wrought so peaceful.
He had rekindled my flame
After I struggled to light it again
He taught me to fight through my battles
When I was crying for refrain
When he gifted me
The wisdom of his strife
Against the war-machine
And the trials of his life
“The world is a little cruel
But there's good people out here too
Don’t forget oklahoma,
Don’t let that red soil aroma
Ever leave you.
And Sweetie I know,
You’ve walked through a lot of hell
But you're a good kid,
And I know your heart well.
The punches will keep coming
Like the ones you’ve faced before
But you just keep on truckin’ kid
I know you’ll win your war.”
And may I repeat his story
Of wisdom, honor and battle glory
When I name my son for him
And watch his spirit begin again
May we roll on like muscogee thunder
Whether above or under.