Children's Prayer
I listen to the Lord, every single night I bow my head and pray to you oh Lord.
I wish to be closer to you God. Like my garden angel, that hugs me so warmly.
Closing my eyes, kneeling and praying to you. Thank you, God, for loving me and protecting me.
There could never be another you in my eyes. To never look at me with judgmental eyes, that seek to harm me.
Everywhere I go you are with me, until the end of my days, God will always be here with me.
Thank you again for never ever giving up on me and my dreams to help others.
Lord bless the food so that I can eat. Bless those who cannot eat and let them be blessed like me.
You give my heart the passion to achieve the unachieved and stay humble throughout the years.
I end this prayer, more like a conversation with my Father. I let out the biggest smile and give you so much praise and thank you with great gratitude.