Where my tears not good enough
did my pain not feed u enough
did the screams not release your hatred
did your fake sentiment fix the wounds you gave me
Why is it that I suffered from your claws
allowed you to tear me
allowed to love me
then drop me
Why was I just a child
and you say
and repeat on and on
about your love for me
but you lost me
The times I had smiles you destroyed me
you made me believe I wasn’t enough
and allowed me to see evil within me
allowed me to end all hope within me
You never really loved me
I was an obligation
A center-plan
for you revenge in your inflicted pain
I was just a child
That’s what you said
so in your eyes I never understood it
Why was I just a child
Why couldn’t you love me
hold me
tell me I was enough
and a gift to the world
Instead, I was welcomed with
the words of your mirroring image
Of being worthless
An object
A child
Maybe the blame is mine
Maybe my birth was your distress
And I am sorry.
I just want you to love me
With pure love
But that won’t be possible
Because the issue wasn’t that I was a child.
The issue was that I was your child.