I knew I shouldn't get excited
I shouldn't get myself worked up
I got a little taste of freedom
Now where am I? I'm fucked!
You took the away the ocean
with which I fell so deep in love
You took away the chances I had
To fly in the skys above
there's no sickess all the way up there
At forty thousand feet
It's only while I'm stuck on the ground
I'll have to skip the meet and greet
I was so close to freedom
Man, I could almost taste it
But now I'm locked inside a house
I was living life, and now I waste it
I grew up every single day
knowing at any time I could die
I spent my life in out of hospitals
Visiting my family and learning to say goodbye
Now you tell me I'm at risk
And to stay inside my house?
I'm not dying in captivity
I just want to go out
I get that what I want doesn't matter
and yes, I'm a danger to most
You think that I don't know that?
I'd rather die before I become a ghost
I won't be living lifeless
in this prison, cold and mean
You heart can't get sick if you don't have one
I'm wiping my slate clean
I won't die within these chains
bound so tight around my wrists
I'll cut them loose if I must
I'll watch my skin and try to miss
You took away all I had left
and now I'm completely alone
I guess I'm dying in a cage
But this cage is not a home.