Can I Get A Story
Can I Get A Story
I am Black and American
Yet I am labeled as white
And not because I bite
Not by those of opposite skin, but of my own
Too dark to be white, but heart to white to be black to be chosen by those who were stolen
You see, I wouldn’t have been in the house, I would have been in the field
But yet because of my speech and mannerz
No man will see past there own clamor
To note that not only their story exist
But they are one of many
Instead I wait, I wait and I sit,
I sit and I wait
Till A time come where the white man be my enemy
But rather the black man is the one holding the gun at me
Sticks and stones, sticks and stones
Break my bones,
But words, Words never hurt me
This is the Lie my motha told me
They hurt, they pierce
More then being called Niggah
To be outcasted and demasted
By my brothas and sistahs
But accepted by my brothers and sisters...
Will never be understood
The America blacks call an enemy
Has been the biggest friend to me
Catching tears I cry
And not leaving me left behind
Having opportunity
Even offering me unity
But something doesn’t feel just right
I know I don’t belong
And this is why I long
to be accepted
Accepted by a different type being
One who understands stories
And the numerous allegories
That make up my life
Raised in an all black family
That rivets strife
With a daddy who wasn’t too manly
Yet a mother
Who is bettah than two or three brothas
Raised me and made me Into the woman God destined me to be
Can I get a story?
Went to the best schools
The white schools
Always the minority
I always listened to the rules
Never got in trouble
Straight A’s for day’s
But I didn’t hide neither
Class President was my title
My Voice was like an idol
Can I get a story?
My Daddy had a great job,
Very educated and all,
My Mother, the career woman
That no man could take asunder
Made a family,
And tried to live happily,
Financially Stable, Emotionally Broken
The generational curse continues
Can I get a story?
Taught proper English
Made to wear certain clothes
Not all actions were acceptable
Hats don’t go to the side,
Pants don’t hang low
You see, I was taught to walk a certain walk and talk a certain talk
And to sit up a bit higher,
Back straight, legs closed
Never looking down on those but helping them up
Can I get a story?
You see the danger of one story is someone always gets left out
There is no single status quo
But that single story says so
So I sit and I stare at this home I call America
But because of the story, the single story,
I have no placement anywhere
This is the danger of a single story