What eats me up inside, is what is keeping me sane.
What eats me up inside, is what is keeping me insane.
Living with such conditions is not a choice, but a blessing.
Living with such conditions is not a choice, but a curse.
Why do I write?
I write because it is my way to cope.
I write because if depression had not found me,
poetry would be a foreign language.
I write because if anxiety had not found me,
poetry would be a homework assignment.
I write because if ache had not found me,
poetry would be a stranger’s hobby.
I write because my fists aim at my sister when I am having a breakdown.
I write because my first suicide attempt was at fourteen years old.
But my first idea of suicide was at twelve.
I write because when all else has failed me, I only have myself and my words.
I write because when my therapist asked me about my family, my only words were my tears.
I write because it is my only tranquilizer when my emotions are out of control.
I write because no one understands why I go into complete panic when someone forgets to close a door.
I write because no one understands why I sometimes see suicide as the peaceful side of life.
I write because my closest friends call me psychotic, after I tell them about my mental issues.
I write because hell will break loose if I didn't.
Why do I write?
I write because writing is what is keeping me sane.
I write because writing is what is keeping me insane.
Living with such conditions is not a choice, but a result.
Living with such conditions is not a choice, but a part of me.