Born Bendy Not Straight
For as long as i can remember
I have always been attracted to females
But I had always been told that being attracted to the same-sex was
a sin
just not right.
So I pretended I didn't have these feeling,
Since they were so wrong
Eventually they'd just go away
But they never did
I used to care what people thought of me.
Believe what my father had told me
I wished I wasn't who I was
I wanted to be anyone else.
But then I realized that this is me and I'm never going to change.
It was hard accepting who I am
Even harder listening to what people have to say about homosexuals
It breaks my heart
Because for the longest time I was afraid
Terrified to tell people that I was in love
Infatuated with a girl
People still tell me that it's wrong
That the bible says so
But God made me this way
I didn't just wake up one morning and decide I was going to be bisexual
That's not how it works
I tried to change
I tried not to feel those feelings
Not to be a sinner
Not to be a dyke
Not to be confused
Now I'm sure that this is me
This will always be me
And if anyone has an issue with that
Then I no longer need them in my life.
I once had a boyfriend who told me I was going to hell
Because of who I am
I remember crying and sobbing
All night
He thought I was weeping because I was having some sort of revelation
He thought I could change
That I could flick a switch and be straight as a two by four
But that wasn't why I was crying at all
My bestfriend thought that there was something wrong with me
And that hurt more than anything
But I forgave him
Because he'll never understand
And that's okay
"We hold these truths to be self-evident,
That all men are created equal,
That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights,
That among these are Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness."
All anyone wants is to be happy
And yet I can't be with someone
Without getting sideways glances
Being told I'm going to hell
That I should change
That it's only a chouice
But I can't change
This is who I am
Take it or leave it.