Birds of a Feather
We come from all walks of life,
For some reason brought together here.
Learning how to reach new heights,
Learning how to cope with our fear.
There's got to be purpose underlying it all,
As God makes no mistakes.
So we come together, upon Him we call,
Praying for the courage to choose a new fate.
Now today, here we all are,
Coming together to celebrate,
The fact that we've come so far,
Because we work so hard,
For this better self we create.
So friends, today we come together,
Joining with each other, becoming a family.
And like birds of a feather,
We flock together, surviving the weather;
While we're here, each others side we cannot leave.
As one entity, in sync we breathe,
Helping teach each other to set our hearts free.
-Jarred Shah