Be Kind
Telling someone to "be kind"
What a stupid thing to do
We've been taught it since day one
Only an idiot would not know
It's something first graders learn
When they argue in the schoolyard
Why bother when there are better things to be than "kind"
Like "Famous" and "Intelligent"
"Kindness" is for losers who want to be used
We don't need to hear about being "greedy" and "bitchy”
Why bother to be "kind" enough to think about how we affect others?
Why bother to be "kind" enough to not take advantage of others?
Why bother to be "kind" enough to take care of others?
Why bother to try to be "kind" and understanding?
Why should we ever stop
And Overlooking?
They seem to get more praise
Why go by the rules of kindness?
Take a look at our society
Our politcians
Our criminals
Our murders, shooters, abusers
We don't need "kindness"
Things are going just fine...
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