An Apology
I’m sorry...
I’m sorry I’m not the perfect girl,
and that I couldn’t be selfish for once.
I’m sorry that I am nice to a flaw,
but that is simply who I am.
I am sorry that my decisions led you to today.
That it led you to pain and disappointment.
That it led you to turmoil.
I’m sorry that I cannot be there right now
to give you what you want
to give you what you need.
I’m sorry that I will always worry about you,
but know it’s because I care.
I’m sorry that I need to apologize for things,
things that do not require an apology.
I’m sorry for feeling guilt about nothing,
and blaming myself for something that is nobody’s fault.
I’m sorry for a lot of things my love.
But one thing I will NEVER be sorry for:
falling in love with you.