They don't know about it.
The anxiety I face.
When I have to go to a place,
Where I know little to no people.
From working at the restaurant,
To a party at my friend's place.
They don't know the anxiety I feel
When a test is fast approaching,
But I feel lost in the material.
Maybe a school test,
Or one of life,
But the anxiety hides inside.
I've had my panic attacks,
I've felt like I'm drowning,
But nothing is worse than amounting anxiety.
It doesn't pass in minutes,
It can last up to hours.
I can't breath, nor sleep,
I can't at that point dream.
The tightness in my chest,
The desire to puke,
The desire to hide,
All that you refute.
The pounding in my head,
Lasting for hours on end,
Leaves me helpless and weak,
An easy person to target,
For she is frightened and week.