Angel Wings of Adonis
Adonis, Greek god of beauty
And desire.
When you’ve been crawled up
In the corner, tucking your knees in
To feel the dying flesh
Of your past pressed tight
You’ve given up
Groping for a hand to grasp
To pull you out of the
Endless darkness
You’ve longed to feel
Something again
To sniff a fragrance
And taste it
Take my hand
I will be your lighthouse
Bringing a lost ship
Back home to shore
Just when you thought
No one would be there to grab
Your hand
A gentle tap on your shoulder
Faith and promise
Let you follow my lead
When you had no idea
Secrets wrapped tightly
Masked presence
We’re both master of
Outward appearance
But let us drop our defenses
For eachother
Like lovebirds reunited
Let the love flow again
That you thought you didn’t deserve
Anymore. When you felt
Lost with nothing left
No piece of you left to give
Your identity stripped from you
Piece by piece
You poor thing
I want to be the one to remind
You, that you are whole
God forgives, and there’s
Always a fresh start waiting
Each soul has a purpose
A reason for living
For no one is without intent
Let God take your hand from me now
You are worth more
Than words or emotion
Pressed up against me
I can see you.