America the not so beautiful
America is the land of the free,
But sometimes, we are not as free as we think.
Our votes don't matter;
The electoral college ensures that.
Our women's bodies are subject to men's whims,
And aren't defended if they're violated.
Your worth is based on the color of your skin,
And when you make a mistake, the jury is already decided before you even give a reason.
Men and women who flee terrifying situations,
Expecting comfort and refuge,
Are cruelly turned away because we are afraid of the unknown.
Yes, America offers opportunities not given in other countries,
But those opportunities are not available to everyone.
In order to become beautiful, we need to make them available.
In order to become beautiful, we need to spread equality and tolerance.
In order to become beautiful, we need to represent beauty.
And beauty is often found in difference.