Abandoned yet hopeful,
still trying to be a little boastful. Imagine being left by your parents who had no other choice but to hand you. Hand you to your grandparents like if you were a thing, not a person. I guess that happens when both of your parents are living here illegally. Until someone decides to return them to Mexico, so they can finally live legally. Leaving behind three beautiful little girls, especially, my younger sister with such gorgeous curls. Just when I thought everything would get better, everything worsen. At age 15, my mother died and all I did was cried. With no money to bury her everything became so scary. I started working at a young age to help pay bills. Just the thought of this makes me get chills. My father's drinking addiction became worse. Until he ended up in jail with no remorse. After all my high school struggles I made it. I graduated. I wanted to go to college, because I had no parents to help me pay for my education, I was stuck fighting for my rights in a free Nation! Finally, I went off to college with very little hope. I was working long hours and little time to study. I felt I was becoming a little nutty. Though I struggled the first year, it was than finally clear. I knew I had to get my act together. Move past this phase altogether. I did not know what I wanted to become. I did know though, I did not want to be a bum. I wanted to help people. Like my mother, "special" people. People that many would say have disabilities but, that is what I know as abilities. Abilities to change how society views different. So at age 22, I graduated with a Bachelors in Rehab Services. Little did I know this degree would not serve my purposes. I could not find a job so, I went on to move with my boyfriend to Michigan. Yea I know what your thinking what guy would take on the challenge? To love such a troubled soul. I tell you he is strong to take on such a hard role. Next, I decided to work on my masters. I thought I was moving forward but yet, I moved backwards. With no money for college and maxing out my student loans. I think how can I continue this journey alone? In grade school teachers say you can be anything you want to be. Well I agree. I choose to be me. I still have faith that God will provide a way out.