How Hot
Hands lock,
fingers curl.
Eyes twitch.
Just a few of the many things
we do together.
When walking on the beach,
seagulls high above us.
People waving hello as we get higher,
up to the balcony
jump off into the water,
salt fills the air.
faint smell of your cologne in my face.
It gets hotter.
It's heating up.
Nobody staring,
as I watch your face.
Your eyes are the sun,
your kisses are the like the key to my heart,
which was once broken,
but now is as open as a brand new novel.
The car revs up,
it's late now.
You walk in front of me so I don't fall.
I know you've got my back.
We sit alone,
just the two of us
in the corner of my yard.
Stare into my eyes,
and tell me I'm not hard to forget about
even when you're gone.
We start a fire.
It gets hotter.
It's heating up.
I keep thinking,
hot or cold
cold or hot,
nothing can change how I feel about you.
You reach over and touch my hand.
Grip it tighter,
you give me a little smirk,
hold on.
I see that look again.
Don't let go.
Your expression is screaming,
my voice is like a coffee cup,
screeching to let me speak.
It gets hotter
I'm steaming up.
fire dies down,
cools off.
It's chilly.
Kiss him and say goodbye.
Head inside to my warm cozy bed.
It gets hotter.
I'm burning up.