Shattered Pieces
I am shattered glass
I am shards covering the floor
Fools throw Elmers glue at me
I stare in disbelief
Elmer's glue
“We can’t help you if you’re not willing to help yourself,” they say
“I can’t use elmers glue, it’s not enough,”
“It is enough if you try,”
I try
I’ve been trying my entire life
I was shattered long ago
I taped myself together
But I wasn’t the same
I was full of cracks
I was told I wasn’t doing it right
So I fell apart again
I tried to use your weak glue
But just a poke made every piece fall and break into more pieces
Just because now you are the one handing me the glue
Doesn’t make it more effective
Your words aren’t sticky
They won’t help
Your understanding
Will not make it better
I am beyond repair
Every single piece of me
Is too small
To fit somewhere
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this is amazing! i relate to this feeling, its like..
They are trying to tell you to fix yourself when
A. theyre the ones who broke you in the first place
and B. theyre not helping at all.
Love this and extremely relatable! Thank you for sharing this beautiful art! ♥️