The Girl with the Hopeless Fear
Dear ------ -----:
"You just have to say it. Tell him. Trust me, you'll feel better."
I wonder if it's really that easy.
It seems I see you every ten minutes, ten seconds
In my head
But you’re not really there
It’s constant agony
Feeling like you are here with me
Should be here with me
But knowing
I tell myself it’s okay,
That I’m fine
But I’m not
I see us together
Doing amazing things
Gazing at the stars, in the
Cool grasp of mountain air
Travelling the world
No one even knows where we are
But it doesn’t seem to matter
Because we know where
We are.
My friend says to tell you
But I constantly
Think otherwise
It isn’t as easy as one thinks
Being vulnerable
Plus you’ll think I’m crazy
To dream of a world
With us together
When you barely know anything
About me
I feel you could be happy
Why did you look so sad earlier?
Your face etched with disappointment
Know you are not alone
One day perhaps
I’ll tell you of my true feelings.
Before that happens
I need to know you know I exist
I’m here
I have been all this time
I need to
Know that you’ve laughed at me
Laughed with me
Shared a sideways glance
To know it’s not all in my fantasy
To for once feel like my visions, my heart
Are not getting ahead of reality
So when it comes time to tell you
I know it will be okay
One day everything will become clear
So for now I’m signing as the girl with
The hopeless fear