Youths Revolution
There's a war in america not for the american people but for the american soul. Not for the american culture but the american mold ..The sides aren't black and white,Muslim vs Americans, minority vs majority,Democrat vs republican but rather between yes and no, good and bad, heaven and hell, God and the devil, right and wrong ,yin and yang…
see they will have you perceive and ultimately believe that's it's a Blacks mans fault if he dies and can't breathe ,that it's better for him to be murdered than take a knee, that a peaceful protest is the way to go but it can't be too specific because the ultimate goal will then exclude every privileged soul ....but hey what do I know…
I mean I could talk about the 136 hashtags wait hashtags wait HASHTAGS that commemorate our dead that the only form of justice they got was a video and a few thousands likes on Instagram and twitter, go figure that the one who murdered them gets paid leave and names get left out the picture...
The only thing shown is a man with some hands up then peeks his head around only for him to hear emmett till and trayvon Martin yell man down....Blood soaked shirt and chest full of lead he wonders if he was better off if he flead ...if he left the scene he would still be portrayed as a criminal but what does he know he's only 10.... But this is the identity of black men considered fully grown at the age of 7 only four more years till 11 which so happens to be the number of bullets left in Michael brown's unarmed body may his soul rest in heaven…
I could go on and on with names and numbers statistics and facts ,ideals and positions opinions and principles but I won't I'll only tell you this.... the number one cause of death of black men between the ages of 15-34 is murder. That black men only make up 13.3% of the U.S population and that 1 in every 3 black man can expect to go to prison. Their is only 321.4 million Americans in the U.S...So that only leaves 15,427,360 Black men in America...We are a dying breed.
We are a caged bird that thought we were freed.. That the broken chains of slavery and inequality signaled for a new direction but it only morphed into hate for our own reflection...That when we look In the mirror we see the eyes of the most dangerous the skin of the most hated hands of the most hurt and heart of the most scorned... We are born with 2 strikes whether the world acknowledges it or not we must never slip up or the results will end in a box…
I plead with the world take a second and just listen please don't focus on our method just hear our position that years of harsh treatment have affected our thoughts trust has become lost anger all to vivid we can change this outcome if we talk about a brighter vision.....
Don't focus on the color but rather the injustice a man is killed while following protocol Im asking where's the justice ..not once not twice not four or more but over 200 have been lost at undeclared war.... View it as a cancer that seems to just spread I will stop claiming racism if you start seeing our dead…
but until that day comes my brothers I leave you with a message..Move slow to your wallet even slower for your keys..know that no matter if you run or stand your life now weighs in the hands of the police .... Know you may be let go or turned into a martyr and your son may have the same opportunity as you, the sins of the son are derived from the issues of the father people we all falter and seem to go astray but thank the lord that he died so that all our lives can be saved..... All lives matter a truth I stand to believe but I will not stand down while specific blood is shed on our streets you my call me a bigot or a ignorant young man but if that is the price I have to pay for truth then on these words as rocks is where I choose to make my stand …
My plan isn't separation but rather cohesiveness but to achieve such a thing we need to add peace in this..mixed with more understanding and a dash of compassion throw in a whole lot of God and more question asking then we will unite under one big banner America is already great we just need to raise our standard...
Disrupt the status quo and complacency of life aspire for better education and more worth put in life..Every life matters all equal and the same stop attaching a color to every issue we name..a terrorist is a terrorist no matter his religion a rapist is a rapist no matter his social position a thief is a thief no matter the quality of life wrong is wrong stop adding stereotypes to make it right....
I dream to change this world I know it's my gift but it's not just mines it's everyone's task you just have to figure out where you fit ..are you fine where you are stand in belief of recession or will you stand with me to push more positive progression…
Americas not perfect and has a long way to go but the only way to get better is if we communicate with our words and let our hatred go..all the things of fear and belief in the unknown just take a leap of faith and trust and let love flow there will always be a fight for that one thing is sure but if we can conquer all and stand as one with God our victory is assured…
yes I am young not a day over 18 but in every revolution the youth lead I'm just starting up our team..a black a white a arabic a Hispanic we will all unite and watch the radical change of our future on this planet …
Hatred and violence yes it's true i can't stand it We are the chosen ones the final generation it's time to fix this now our burden to manage And for our weapon of choice we will use love as a bandage so I will now wrap this up with mischief manage but yea you were the spark now we rise as the flame we are the seeds of our kin so let's spell out our name we are the (Ch os en gen)x4
~Andre’ Douglas