Kiss, Kiss
Whether my body is tired or it is fully awake,
Whether grief and guilt weigh me down or joy keeps me as light as a feather,
I still find needed comfort with you, my friend.
You keep things simple,
You eagerly listen to my questions and wait with patience for my answers,
And then,
With a voice dripping of gushing sweetness,
You merrily chirp,
“Kiss, Kiss,”
And promptly lean in to press your cool beak against my cheek.
My heart soars,
And a smile lifts the creases in my face,
At the notion that such a little creature,
With such an impeccable sense of timing,
Could possibly make my day even better.
“Thank you for the kiss, Mr. Indigo,” I reply,
But there’s so much more I should thank you for.
As you neatly preen your pale feathers,
The tip of your wing grazes the tip of my nose,
And I begin to wonder,
How cold would my shoulder be,
Without a perched, blue bird to warm it?
The mere thought makes me frown;
My life wouldn’t be the same.
We share a glance for a moment,
Your beady eyes nearly hidden from view by a dramatic crest of feathers.
“Thank you for loving me,” I decide to add.
Your delightful cackle fills my ears,
And I answer you with a laugh of my own.