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Princess Diana was born in England and died in France.When she was in a car crash, she didn't have a chance.She divorced Prince Charles of Wales just one year before she died.
Dull stardust dims the light that no longer reflects the Sun.Night reigns eternal, silent and dark,Echoes sounding off to make sure they aren’t alone.This was the Queen of the Day’s before she vanished,
Dull stardust dims the light that no longer reflects the Sun.Night reigns eternal, silent and dark,Echoes sounding off to make sure they aren’t alone.This was the Queen of the Day’s before she vanished,
Feeling bored Much of my life has been this feeling Of being bored Something with a new key
Dear Little Princess,   As a princess, you're stolenby a fiery beast,and then saved by a princeso your troubles may cease.  
I love you. And no, I don't mean those cheap I love you's that only come because, "ooo girl the sex was bomb!" I am referring to the fact that you ignite butterflies in the depths of my uterus,
Born a Prince, I was guided and groomed by the Alimighty (to be a King). Mentored, thrown into the thorns until through and through I was thickened- and taught to triumph.  No doubt, I was tailor made for the throne.   
Mansa Musa, Shaka Zulu, Nefertiti, Akhenaten-- Something is similar about all of these names No doubt, there are complexities that make these names uncommon However, the common fact is that they played no games.  
Dear love of my life: I wrote this that night that you decided to let me hear those beautiful words again....I love you. And after all these years, your still here...Even though I come back, and again I dissappear.
She called upon me to aid her, to stop the crying.  Her crying is a marathon runner who can never reach the finish line. I’m no savior, but I’m the only one left to care.  
We are royal fools.... with no food  We are royal fools.... with no clue
Much like this journal, there's a Place I go 2unlike a book, it's in my mind's eye.There, jellyfish fly with butterflies
Who am I? 
That morning the sum glared over the castle, casting rainbows on the walls, and in the colossal thrown room, the grand thrown room, a whimsical woman waited, and for a moment   the future came to her:
Call me surreal, for I am a king, but not one of Royalty but of my own inner Majesty Through my pen you see, through my art I speak, I describe the impact of death and disease
A single post stood alone,"Woe behold its grace!"said the king.The plank of wood splintered, inebriated with rain,
I've never been afraid of the dark, you see I embraced it always, never wanting to wait to close my eyes. Night was when I'd visit my friends, night was when I'd go home to them,
She weeps tears of dew; Her humble boughs sigh. Wind becomes her grace, And the sun her hope. She shields clouds of rain; Veils her heart in leaves. Weather won't weaken, Her roots sink to deep.
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