sexual assult
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boiling water
rainow blade knives
how do i get him out of my eyes?
dripping arms
Dark grey skies
how do I forgive myself
for believing his lies?
how do I scrub
Its cold. Is it? Im cold
Im shaking, shadows moving lights blurred
Light? No wrong no lights. Its late
Where am i? Home. No. Yes? No, not home.
I hear a fan. Whirling, twirling, cold.
My roommates hosted a house party
My friends were there
Strangers were there
There was alcohol
Then there was you
I didn’t know you
You called me your girlfriend after one conversation
A cloud of smoke suffocating this generation
Drugs and Alchol seems to be the only way out of this rotation
Flirting with depression and anxiety
before we even flirted with compound words in our diary
So I heard you and Pharrell Williams wrote a song together. Who the song belongs to is mutual blame. But Blurred Lines is such a catchy song, why wouldn't you want to claim it.
His kisses are the stains of black and blue that decorate my pale skin, like proclamations of affection shouted into the void, they forever float, a reminder of our romance a reminder that
He loves me