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Time Bomb
Constantly ticking down
An invisible timer
Even to me
When it goes off
What will happen
Will it destroy everything
Will it be a dud
Will it even matter
One red line
Just like her
Spinning around in a never ending world
Never knowing where she fit in
Constantly scared
She stares at the blade in her right hand
the red lines covering her legs and both arms
making it impossible to see clearly
clouded by depression, tears, and self-hatred.
Doesn't mean
Try to change my mind
Or try again.
It doesn't mean
Repharase the question,
Tell me come on.
It doesn't mean pressure me
By saying it's been a month
things hit a little too close to home
too close for comfort
other times,
things hit home
with a resounding boom,
you'll hear everything come crashing around you
Every day I pass you I smile so you do too
Every day you see me you look right through
The crows feet and the laugh lines that mark my face
Do not stand a chance against the feelings I case
The only thing people define me by;
"The emo girl with cuts on her wrists".
Instead of discovering who I really am, they only see my many scars that lie on my wrist.
Someone with self harm on their mind is not "doing alright",Someone with darkness in their eyes cannot "see the light",Dont yell at them and blame them for things that aren't their fault, Cause they will believe it.
She knows she is going somewhere, but is she? She knows she pushed hard, but did she move? Her legs carry her far, but to nowhere. Her talents drag her up a high mountain only to drop her down into an icy water fall that keeps falling.
I have nothing,
Nothing in the slightest, but thats alright,
if I have nothing, you can't take from me, right?
Ha, yah that’s really funny, that joke you just made
Suicide jokes always are aren’t they?
You know what’s even funnier?
Being up at 4 in the morning on a school night
Trying to talk your friend out of suicide
I'm lost in the sense of who I am
and who I'm supposed to be.
My brain and heart work just fine
but they have the hardest time communicating.
Don't tell me how to feel because I've known
Fitting in with all the rest,
There's nothing strange seen by her friends.
But they don't see what she seeks to hide -
Loneliness fills her up inside,
Invisible to waking eye.
Work here and work there
Work work work
Don’t sleep
Don’t stop
Don’t think
But stop complaining
You are in control
I do as you say
I think as you think