Say No to violence against women
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Imagine a world so unlike this one
Where grimy hands were not free to cross lines,
And no one experienced the sinking jolt
Of panic caused by bad touches
Brought on by loud mouthed musketeers
Look into my eyes and you will see,
the different side there is to me.
Secrets that I've hidden so long that I sometimes forget,
all the lies he told me, and all of this regret.
Look into my soul and you will feel,
Not many know what it feels like to be scared senseless.
To be terrified of a person so much it leaves you breathless.
To look them in the eye after they leave you black and blue.
I've got a confession to make
I lost myself….
I lost myself in trying to hold on to someone
Who didn't care about losing me
You banged on my heart
like your fists were a drum;
You gathered me sweetly
in arms like a dove—
You told me “always”
under the sun.
You know that couple.
The one that is always together
And he would do anything that she asked.
Their sugared embraces,
Their striking stares.
But their eyes hide what lingers behind closed doors.
A soft whisper in the dark room sounded
Whimpers flowing from her lips as he pressed against her
A normal Friday night as the lovers embraced roughly
The monster used to share my bed
Now he lurks near my only exit
Threatening to take everything away
He breaths smoke languidly
His tiger eyes burn with rage
You had a bad relationship,
and try to put it in the past.
You think that you’re okay,
but the memories seem to last.
You have nightmares and bad thoughts,
that never seem to end,
I refuse to put my hair up this week.
I have bruises on my neck and throat and shoulders.
It hurts, oh God it hurts.
Stupid me? Shame on me?
I thought you were telling me the truth when you said that you love me.
They see a monster, but I see perfection
He saw content, but I saw an injection
Where do I go when I need Protection?
Judgment sees bruises but I see affection
She was a tree
Not because she was strong and sturdy
But because of her inability to keep her thoughts together
They fell like leaves on the sidewalk to be trampled by those who passed by
Chiquitita I am sorry
That you are blue and black
That he’s taught you that all you have worth
Is your body
And that you think that you are dumb.
Chiquitita it’s alright to cry
BAMB! was that the door? I heard my heart thud in my chest.
my chest, so shaken up, my throat so hard to swollow.
clinching. my hands and teeth. just hearing the scream.
Why was it that I could not look at you without smiling the rest of the day?
I would walk by the corridors gazing at the distance, seeing no one but you.
Your laugh, your smile, your voice, all charmed me.