The Words That Broke Many Bones
Why was it that I could not look at you without smiling the rest of the day?
I would walk by the corridors gazing at the distance, seeing no one but you.
Your laugh, your smile, your voice, all charmed me.
Staring out the window, I could not keep my mind off of the first time
Only now it seems like it was just yesterday, because the emotions I feel can never be described
I remember the words that danced out of your mouth, "I love you"
I remember these words as tears trickle down my eyes, sashaying down to my lips.
Why do I quiver at those words now, when I could have sworn I flew the first time you told me?
Your touches made all the difference,
A single whisper in my ear made my heart gasp for breath
How you pulled my hair back with your hands ever so gently as if you would break me then,
Never had the thought come to me, that those caressing fingers could be the same ones that inflicted such injuries
The words that caused me such love, has now shown me a glimpse of death
My love, my heart, why have you torn my world apart?
You lied to me, when I trusted you
You moved away, when I screamed for you to come back
You struck me, when I stood up
Bruised me, so I would keep shut
You told me you loved me, when you meant nothing but harm
You have caused me aches and pains and then you never looked back
You say you love me?
Then you should have no problem explaining the intense love that left scars across my back
*Ladies take a stand against domestic violence. No man could ever love a woman he can hurt. No woman deserves violence to be inflicted upon them. Real love should never be painful.*