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Some Of The Times Our Lips Into Silent Mode. And The Heart As Loudest Emtions Dancing Inside.               Sailu bharya
But why,why should I change the name that has been an X chromosome legacy passed down from our mothers and all the women before them who have been pushed so far into the hole of oppression, canyon sealed so no one could hear their scream
At age 5 I heard that 'boys will be boys' I learned that boys had more privileges than I because they were luckily born into it At age 10 my mother told me to act proper, say your please and thank you's, don't speak out
Yes. I am a girl,  and no, that doesn't make me weak. I'm a girl,  and no, that doesn't make me meek. Just because I'm shorter and smaller doesn't mean you can holler at me, and cat call as I walk by, 
One chooses to discriminate One chooses to opinionate One chooses to judge One chooses not to budge One chooses to be rude One chooses to be creul One chooses to approve
      Modesty is only seen in the worst and best of people, while the average man  keeps walking by without the consent of praise or disgrace, which makes
         Modesty is only seen in the worst and best of people, while the average man   keeps walking by without the consent of praise or disgrace, which makes
Woke up on an island I have the essentials But there's one thing That's not here Equality for everyone I need this, its unfair The men are treated better While women are only domestic
You think you are the King among men, With your cool eyes And ruby lips.   You think you have the Right to rule, With a harsh tongue And a winning smile.   You spread poison
Dr.  King said “I have a dream”, but his dream suffered homicide in the streets of our nightmares.Murdered by the people who were supposed to protect us.
I am a tra
"It's a fair world" Heard often. "Humans are all equal." Another saying.   Five miles away, a well. The child sets off into the blazing sun. Footsore and weary, they arrive at the water.
There will always be a sunny day and dark day, The darkest when you fight to get in a word, And the feel of not being heard. The lightest when everything is alright, But friends seem to all ways be in a fight.
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