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A rock star That's what they call you The thick , oozing fame gushing from your pores You care for it  (Not at all)  Your true priority is blatant Save the children Save the art
I've found that the Superheroes someone likes says a lot about their character  When you love a superhero there is something about them that drags you in like a child to a candy store window
Alone in this world Seeking vengence Fighting evil He is The Batman
I remember my first comic book  Watchmen - I was skeptical. Superheroes could't be intellectual. But now i've read it seven times There's always something new to look at
Comics can save lives. They are an escape from stress. Comic books are life.
I opened the paper and what did I see, A little stick figure looking back at me.   He made me laugh, He made me smile, He made me stop and think awhile.   I thought of my friends,
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