' 'Abuse' 'toxic relationships love

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Love is hard. Love can structure a man,Love can crush a man.  Love can heal, Love can break.  You can love your whole life without being loved back, or you could never love while being loved by all. 
Love is hard. Love can structure a man,Love can crush a man.  Love can heal, Love can break.  You can love your whole life without being loved back, or you could never love while being loved by all. 
I apologize for using Your affectionAs a temporary fixWhen I was addicted to feeling lovedI feared being aloneSo I used you to fill the voidUntil I found another home,....  For my misery to dwellI used my smile to lure you inI was the nice guyYou
I've seen it repeated Over in time. How can perfection be so flawed? Grace turned grim, Though in your prime, I've assuredly experienced all.   Its presence an everlasting notion,
Yeah I saw your texts I thought you hated your ex well apperently not yeah that's what I thought It doesn't take a genius  to figure this out don't look at me as if you have no idea
From the moment  you no longer pick  the underwear with the characters  because one day -someone- might see them now.    To the day  you are sobbing  broken-hearted, being told-
I've always been a flower, delicate and soft
My beauty always praised, my presence always loved
I flutter in the wind, my petals colourful and bright
Smiling at the world, shining in the sunlight

I know you still hate me for what I did. I know I can’t say I was not to blame. I know if I did, it would be a lie.  I know I hurt you, even though I swore not to. 
I’ve never seen the moon smile before the way it did last night and the way it reminded me of you  
my vulnerability is your advantage you smile through the tears you made thru me you drink the tears of my helpless cries i thought this was love
My minds shattered pieces scattered everywhere  
You know, hate is an extraordinarily strong word. Its so strong that you can turn a positive into a negative, a lovely light into a dark cloud.
I am haunted by my past and scared for my future. Tormented by stone memories  and chased by alabaster dreams.  Through the thicket of sin and self-destruction I persist.
I wish I could've been enough for you. I wish you could be happy with who you are without having to have a girlfriend. But, you'll never feel complete unless you do. I don't doubt I meant something to you when we were friends.
She brought me that fire Hell on earth; but felt like heaven To me and to my desires
It’s none of your business! Interjected quickly and often, Becomes an all too familiar sound But those five words can’t soften,
With the verdict still out, I have a question? Is it my eyes brown with a story of hurt, causing them to shimmer? Is it my pecan skin that glows in the night's refection of stars? Is it because you know exactly how I feel using it to your advantag
You have overstayed your welcome and you're not even here. Failing to pay the free rent for the space you invaded I know it’s unfamiliar, but for once be sincere. I know the cost is and will be severe.
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