'feminism' 'women' 'goddess' 'fight'
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missed like mist on summers day
are when brown arms and green necks thrive
on sunlight and gist
footsteps and good meds in sync to beat of crux
as luxurious rubber gives its everlasting kiss
"like the great queens of history .....she was born with the umbilical cord around her neck"**
My baby face seems to follow me everyday
i see her in the bathroom mirror in the mornings
What does this mean to me
Unequivocally beautiful
Ethereal being of love and light
Might stronger than any to be
You build them up
She gazes upon newfound eyes lost from her wireframes,
Pause for a moment and you can see her for a flicker
Why now is she lovely?
In this parallel world of film,
She’s THAT Black girl
The one trapped in the borderlands of what it means to be Black and Woman
Her hypervisibility causes her to remain unseen
And her experiences leave her in between, her story left unheard
She was the daughter of a king,
whose name he had forgotten.
Heavy is the crown and yet,
she wore it like a feather.
We are women
We are a home
We are hearts
We multiple what we've given
We are women
We have breast that nourish life
We carry life for 9 months
We care deeply
We need to come back
Leave her be To polish her scales Hear her screaming The hiss of her tail. She trembles her rattle Not of a child, not again They had been stolen, By the peacock, by the hen. A youthful nightmare, A bogeyman of doubt The people scream now The
A woman's torn dress
Still sparkles and shine in the most glorious of ways
We suffer in violent volumes to a deaf world
Yet that torn sparkly dress is heard by all but sewn together by none
But maybe
Ruler of all
your Wisdom Goddess
will be your downfall
Metis, mother, protector of child
her daughter, a virile
Athena is the embodiment
of valiancy
A working woman,
disregarding the modern day Aphordites.
A virgin, she didn't need a man,
protector of Athens, she didn’t need a baby.
The Gods still live
They can be seen everyday
If one knows where to look
Artemis is standing in the crowd of feminists
Wearing a pink-knit hat
Calling for equality
Bow held high, head held higher
Inside her mind there is a fire
Her voice speaks louder than her arrows
Dusk, she rises like the flight of a sparrow
Though it be dark, she will rise