glow up!
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At 423 Tasker Street, Anthony dressed every morning to get ready for his walk to American Christian Academy.
The grass beneath my fingers lilts
Too fragile to hold
Even as my sunshine tilts
Too big but not too old
The world is a bath of colors
Pressed against my breast
The pretty shades of others
If there is something I hate,
It will be change
News are told
Knew it would come but not so soon
Go pale, wonder where the past years gone
Ones where no care was given
Head down in a book,
Hiding my braces,
Fearing they may look,
Always so abrasive.
Head high like a rook,
Not afraid of their gazes,
Have them by the hook,
Everyday goes by without delay
Accompanied by my sister while we wait for the bus
After school I come out late in a rush
She gets frustrated but I thought she exaggerates too much
I leave class without a cause
Growing up doen't always mean getting older,
it means maturing as a person, and realizing your true values in life.
Anyone and everyone will get older over time,
but it takes effort to grow your intellectual state.