'beauty' 'heart' 'self love' 'love yourself'
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She is a shade darker than the universe
Her eyes will pull you ,
Closer and harder,
like gravity,
Right to the core of her soul
Her locks curled and swirled
Like the galaxies
She is galactic
I am sorry that I am not perfect
I am sorry that I am not like you want me to be
I am sorry if I am smarter than you
My heart was broken, an infinite amount of times.
The sadness that was within it, weighed a ton.
I never understood the reason, but I had inferred that it was I who was the problem.
No amount of writing would bring myself back,
yet here I am.
I write and write and write.
I come up with metaphors to describe what hating myself feels like
my hands and feet could touch either sides of the walls now
so i bent my knees and elbows
i twisted and turned on the cold floor
body struggling to find a comfortable spot
face hidden by the shadows
“Hey fat girl!”
Who are they talking too and that is so mean.
There’s a little girl walking down the halls
She looks normal enough
It’s the first day of school, kindergarten.
My life you say
Then why must try and take away
You say that you trust and yet your actions mislead
You say that you love but your soul is all green
Green with envy that is of the steps I am taking
I have always been in love with love.
Maybe it was just the thought of someone,
someone loving me the way I am.
My mistake was not knowing love can be twisted.
A simple “I love you” meant that I had to forgive
Self Love, Set me free, Set me free of the person I used to be
Mental abuse can alter your mind to think the worse of you, but you are POWERFUL, its true
Nobody can be a better you than, you
It doesn't matter what you look like. And it doesn't matter what color you are or the size. What matters is rather or not you believe in stars. What matters is if you believe in yourself and nobody else. No one is going to guide you all day.
Lips as ripe as roses
a crown born of bone
A woman may master both extremes
if she wishes to hold her own
Let your smile be soft
What do you see when you look into the mirror?
Do you see a face of grace or the belief of grief?
Do you see a bless of sucsess or a complete defeat?
When a girl looks into the mirror,
She sees fat,
She was drawing with her Reeves HB sketch pencil in her 2010 Strathmore sketchbook that her grandparents had given her last Christmas. She had drawn his eyes with great precision, and the bump on his nose bent just right, his lips were textured as