The Thought of Reality
I have always been in love with love.
Maybe it was just the thought of someone,
someone loving me the way I am.
My mistake was not knowing love can be twisted.
A simple “I love you” meant that I had to forgive
everything that he did to me.
He did not mean it because he loved me..
It took a while for me to realize not all “love” is true.
The thought of him loving me was too sweet to let go,
so I let him slip up over and over again.
Because who would ever love and care for me?
Reality hit when I was back to one hundred and five pounds.
I had to hit complete rock bottom to realize how toxic my life had become.
I was smaller mentally and physically.
Making my brain stay in one place and not wonder off,
because if it did I would get hurt.
Two years go by,
I am finally eighteen.
Putting myself in this mini cluster box wasn’t so fun anymore.
Seeing everyone happy made me jealous.
Why am I stuck with this man who makes me miserable?
And I finally realize,
he is a boy,
not a man.
In this moment of hating myself and my life,
I finally decided to change.
Eighteen years old and finally taking the reins.
I broke out of that mini box,
and never went back.
The power I hold as a woman is incredible,
and it took me this long to realize it.
My glow-up is using my voice,
my voice to empower women.
We do not stay in situations that make us unhappy.
Finding someone else is not as hard as you think.
I can confidently say that there is someone that will
treat you right.
But first,
the best glow-up you can have is loving yourself.
And that’s exactly what I am finally doing.
The thought of my reality no longer scares me.
I refuse to ever go back to that mini box.